Jul, 2023
Mar, 2023
Mar 9, 2023
Feb 23, 2023
Jan 18, 2023
Nov 16, 2022
Nov 16, 2022
Zophia Wire.less Earphone
Sep, 2022
Jun 19, 2023
Dec 2, 2022
Jun 7, 2022
Ztella USB-DAC
"The soundstage was as detailed as expected, and the frequencies I've come to expect in certain songs where there when I expected them to be. The real surprise came when I started listening to the same versions of these songs on Tidal.", Kris Wouk
"I am completely satisfied with Zorloo and their claims of what the Ztella can do. Not only is it ultra unobtrusive but as you can see I even found a new use for it as a standalone line-level driving DAC.", Louis Gonzalez.
"I was pleasantly surprised by the Zorloo Ztella, as this diminutive DAC really digs out the detail from your virtual music collection. Whether paired with Campfire's Polaris IEM, Erzetich Thalia or Oppo's PM-3, the Ztella has a clarity I wasn't expecting from something so compact.", Jay Garrett.
"As I said before, when I listened to both Ztella versions with non-MQA tracks, there wasn’t much of a difference in the sound. But when I played some MQA or “Tidal Masters” tracks from TIDAL, there was a very delicate upgrade in the sound of the MQA version over the Standard one.", Paul C.
"Cleanliness is one of the Ztella’s most abundant virtues, but it’s immediately noticeable how confident and playful it sounds. It appears to use the space in each mix to take great swings at each note as they’re hammered."
"In ROON the Zorloo Ztella is immediately recognized and configured. In short: plug and play. We can play MQA without any problems, as you can see in the overview of the signal path. We hear a neat, balanced sound of The Resistance by Muse as well as, for example, London Grammar and The War on Drugs.", JAAP VEENSTRA.
"When I put on "Ztella", I suddenly heard "Ooh". The sound quality changes so much. The range was very wide, and the resolution went up. The bass and singing voices that were unnecessarily loud are suppressed, and you can clearly hear the horn section, guitar, and back chorus that are sounding together."
"If you’re looking for an inexpensive solution to improve the sound quality of your laptop or phone, or you want to add a headphone jack to your smartphone, the Ztella is an excellent option. The price is right. It has nice power, and the compact form factor is significant because it doesn’t take up a ton of room in your bag.", Paul C.
"It’s refreshing to see that high-quality audio has become so small. The Zorloo Ztella really pushes the limit of what is possible: it’s so small it’s barely larger than a female 3.5 mm jack and a USB-C port with a cable in-between", Riccardo Robecchi.
"Listening to tracks I found that it added bass weight, increases treble definition and instrument separation. It gives a more spacious overall nicer sound.", Luke
"Воображаемая сцена широкая и естественная, объёмный-воздушный звук, все инструменты строго на своих местах. Если звук описать одним словом, однозначно назову «эмоциональным», во многом за счёт проработки высоких частот.", Денис
"Von meiner Seite bekommt der Ztella aufgrund seines sehr guten Klangs in einer sehr kompakten Form eine klare Kaufempfehlung!,", Eugen
"The soundstage is super wide and creates a holographic stage around you. Where both width and height are present but depth is less so it feels more realistic. Imaging is just astonishing, with well-mastered tracks, I can close my eyes and point out where individual instrument sound coming from,", Palash.
"bad guyは響く低音が魅力な曲ですが、その魅力をとてもよく引き出せるDACであると感じました。低音の芯がブレることもなく、鼓膜を揺らすような低音をダイレクトに感じることができます。Ocean Eyesでは、ボーカルの刺さりや擦れも感じることなくBillie Eilishの伸びやかな声を感じることができました。", 教皇
"You can hear that the bass has more body with ztella. With the iPhone adapter, you have the bass but with the Ztella, it has more refined impact and thump.", Alexander
"沒有整古做怪,這種不偏色、正路的聲底,不會限制用家的音樂口味,也不會把錄音質素差異放得特別大,反而着重把大部分錄音都播得活潑、動聽,加上推力不俗,連耳機配搭限制都不算大,這是 Zorloo Ztella 的可貴之處。", Archimedes
"Overall, Zorloo Ztella has balanced sound signature. Extremely please with its sound performance for such small form factor. Outstanding performance! Period.", Jayce
"The Sound of the ZuperDAC-S is pretty neutral and detailed, while it shows a clean/hiss-free background which makes to a ideal source for the use with sensitive IEM's.", Gokhan
"Every aspect of your “stock” sound (coming directly from your phone) here is improved: punchiness and speed in bass, clarity, space for every instrument, control in highs. I really enjoyed this sound.", Riccarrdo
"ZuperDAC-S is like an icing on top of the cake. With its refined sound, it’s able to reduce the bad thing on your earphone on the mids and high region and bring out the best out of it without changing the sound signature.", Alexander
"You had one job, just one job, and the ZuperDAC-S lives by this mantra which is to output higher quality audio off portable devices in a simplified way.", John Real
"Звук нейтральный, сбалансированный, цап от себя ничего не добавляет, стараясь передать всё как есть.", kzndenis
"Once plugged in, it’s very clear to hear the difference between audio played through the Gemini’s own 3.5mm headphone jack, and the ZuperDAC, with the latter having much greater clarity.", Mike Halsey
"I can tell you this, the DAC does not disappoint. I really enjoy it, and it might be an ideal device for me. The bass gets lower than the build in DAC in SGS5 and in the Kindle HD 10, no harshness in the mids and really nice highs.", Viperxp
Mar 13, 2018
"All in all, the Zorloo ZuperDAC-S is an impressive little device. It offers a premium look and build combined with great efficiency and performance, all in a small package.", Aaron
"All in all, the Zorloo ZuperDAC-S is an impressive little device. It offers a premium look and build combined with great efficiency and performance, all in a small package. It also doesn’t have a huge “audiophile” markup that you’ll often find on mobile DACs aimed at this market.", Cinder
Mar 2, 2018
"The ZuperDAC-S is a well built and great sounding DAC for either someone who is just getting started with portable hi-res playback or someone who is looking for a simple way to upgrade their mobile auido.", hifitr5_wp

Jan 26, 2018
"ZuperDAC-S 機身提供 16 段音量調校,輸出夠力外,機內的解碼晶片也能忠實還原音樂細節,人聲與樂器有明顯的分離,而且人聲暖和,使播放高清音樂檔時更有味道。", Kan Heung

Jan 24, 2018
"ZuperDAC-S 就可讓你在毫不累贅的狀態下,獲得細節更為圓滑飽滿的聲音表現,再加上售價非常貼地,確實是一款物超所值的小配件。", Eric Au Yeung
Dec 31, 2017
"As the Italian music formation Mo-Do sang in German language in the 1990s, I conclude my review by saying that the ZuperDAC-S is “Super Gut” (“Super Good”).", HiFiChris
Dec 27, 2017
"Enjoy ESS Sabre 9018Q2C balanced sound signature, clarity and transparent. Perfect for your mobile devices with slimmer design and hardware volume buttons.", Jayce Ooi
Aero Digital Earphone
Dec 25, 2017
"The Aeros’ modular aluminum switchable earpieces are innovative. Instead of software-based or tiny-arsed leaving-you-wanting physical filters, one can happily detach and simply tune in to one’s preferred tuning by switching hardware-based customised drivers.", HiFiLust
Jun 18, 2016
"they are epic entertainers, never has any Nexus phone sounded this good without something more bulky strapped to it. To emphasise how good it is, plugging the GR07 into my N5 and the Aero has very noticeably better audio quality.", Mark240
May 17, 2016
"They are really lively, fun and bouncy beasts and they will always be that no what phone you use. Using these means you don’t have to care about good synergy because it’s all good and it is, all good.", Mark Ramos

Sep 7, 2017
"Zorloo ZuperDAC is a clear step up from sub-par outputs, offering clean, refined sound with a great soundstage. The Zorloo ZuperDAC also does not add its own sound signature to your music, delivering it to your headphones just as it is supposed to, with astounding detail ...", Vyncent Chan

Sep 2, 2017
ZuperDac reduces the harsh in the mids and highs, making it more precise and little bit soft without sacrificing the detail and I don't hear any hiss. Listening to Time to Say Goodbye - Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman, I can feel that it's really opening up the song especially the vocal, both Andrea and Sarah's vocal is much fuller and prominent ...", Alex

Sep 1, 2017
"Tatsächlich erzeugt der ZuperDAC ein sehr sauberes und detailreiches Klangbild. Der Hochtonbereich klingt kontinuiert und spritzig. Interessant wird es dann beim Bass. Gegen meine Erwartung ist dieser deutlich angehoben ...", Stammgast

Mar 26, 2017
"An immersive soundstage greets headphone and IEM fans, with that slight touch of midrange magic warmth. Adele’s vocals are surreally real (ahem) on ‘Rolling in the Deep’… Bass heads won’t be disappointed by the tight rhythmic low-end. The beat on that song resonates with an almost palpable chest-thumping effect ...", Nick

Nov 23, 2016

Aug 9, 2016
"The Zuperdac has a fantastic neutral sound to it. Highs are extended beautifully without sounding piercing or coloured. Cymbals in jazz and rock are spot on and very satisfying ...", Pastapipo

Mar 9, 2016

Feb 9, 2016
"Through my testing the ZuperDAC from Zorloo held up and provided my some great sounding music, and I was able to distinguish between sounds from the dac and those from the normal audio jack ...", Luke Thomas

Jan 5, 2016
"Yup, sound separation and layering are great as well thanks to spacious soundstage. Therefore, you get better instruments’ placement in classical music like orchestra too. Arcason by Candido Camero and Oh by Dave Matthews surely performs nicer here ...", Jayce Ooi

Dec 1, 2015
"The ZuperDAC is a an excitable little beast, it’s so dynamic and enthusiastic about everything. It’s wonderful, it truly is a joyous little box of wonder and it’s just so much fun to play with ...", Mark

Dec 1, 2015
"it is such a dynamic little beast it constantly want to inject life into everything. It’s a little like the kid you just let eat a bag of sugar. It’s thrilling, so energetic, such enthusiasm and endless drive to go further, faster, more, more, MORE!!! It just isn’t really giving me the chance to mellow out and relax ...", Mark Ramos

Nov 28, 2015
"the increased quality caught the attention of my ears and, albeit mediocre, I could definitely hear that it was better than normal. One thing that particularly caught my attention was the decreased static noise in the wee background, particularly on low-quality files. ...", Jason Botha

Nov 17, 2015
"The ZuperDAC consistently offered distortion-free and refreshingly clean and detailed output, with a slight widening of the stereo image for a more immersive listening experience ...", Paul Ridden

Nov 13, 2015
"Il maggior vantaggio dello ZuperDAC è dato dall’aumento di qualità nella frequenze alte e basse, infatti in quest’ultime avremo bassi molto più corposi tanto da farci sentire davvero convolti nella musica che stiamo ascoltando, inoltre negli alti non avremo più quel caos che si verifica quando ascoltiamo un pezzo molto ricco di frequenze alte che si sovrappongo tra di loro, rendendo tutto più chiaro e apprezzabile....", Gianluca Angelucci
Z:ero Digital Earphone

Sep 8, 2015
"The treble and low’s are equally good, with the bass side probably having a slight advantage. Neither were overdone, but were rather at a sweet spot ...", Jason Botha

Jul 6, 2015
"infatti il suono è molto più intenso rispetto alle tradizionali cuffie, senza distorsioni anche a volumi molto elevati con qualsiasi genere musicale. Questa potenza davvero fuori dall’ordinario è data dal connettore USB che può erogare molta più corrente rispetto al jack e dall’amplificatore integrato nel controller...", Gianluca Angelucci

Jun 9, 2015
"It could be that the earbuds simply have a really good seal, but the lows packed a solid punch. I found that songs with powerful bass like ‘Mikey Rocks’ by The Cool Kids were very enjoyable and the bass wasn’t overpowering at all. Even in songs that weren’t bass heavy, these had an accurate yet enjoyable low end across genres ...", Adam Molina

Jun 4, 2015
"szybko zorientujemy się Z:ero mocno zniekształcają dźwięk. Robią to jednak w strasznie fajny sposób, dający dużo radości z odsłuchu. Trudno mówić o czystym brzmieniu, jednak delikatnie podbity bas i przerysowana barwa po prostu cieszą. Scena jest należyta, jednak jej poszerzenie mogłoby dać niesamowity efekt ...", Piotr

Jun 2, 2015
"Direct output from my laptop's audio jack has proven to be rather disappointing, but the Z:eros punched well above their price range peers and treated me to a spacious rendition with good, well-placed instrumentation throughout ...", Paul Ridden